
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)



與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)





Field Service Managed Calibration

Tektronix Field Service Managed Calibration is the solution you need to drive efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness in your geographically dispersed field service teams. Our unmatched expertise and commitment to excellence make us the ideal partner to manage all aspects of your field service tools and equipment.

Field service technician discussing equipment calibration
Field service engineers planning work

Increase Productivity

By entrusting the management of your field service tools and equipment to our experts, you can focus on what you do best—providing exceptional field service. You can rely on us to handle all calibration and maintenance tasks, allowing your teams to stay focused on serving your customers efficiently.

A Partnership You Can Rely On

Tektronix is more than just a service provider; we aim to be your trusted partner in achieving field service excellence. Our team of Calibration Technicians and Customer Service Engineer experts collaborates closely with you to understand your unique needs and tailor our services accordingly. With our attentive support and personalized approach, we ensure that your field service operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Field Service manager partnering with Tektronix for managed calibration
Technician calibrating field service instruments

Board Accessibility, Local Confidence

With geographically dispersed teams, maintaining uniformity can be a challenge. Tektronix's Field Service Managed Calibration solution transcends these barriers, offering a centralized system broadly accessible. Whether you're coordinating field service in multiple cities, or multiple time zones or multiple regions, our solution guarantees that each tool is calibrated to the same meticulous standards, ensuring consistency and fostering unwavering confidence in your teams' capabilities.

Minimize Downtime, Maximize Productivity

Downtime can be the nemesis of any successful field service operation. Our Field Service Managed Calibration solution allows you to sidestep this challenge by ensuring that your field service teams have access to impeccably calibrated tools at all times. Say goodbye to unexpected hitches and delays as you equip your teams with the means to perform at their very best, no matter the location.

Filed service engineers planning schedule

Field Service Managed Calibration Programs

At Tektronix, we're proud to present not just one, but three groundbreaking Managed Calibration Programs designed to empower your field service operations like never before. With each program tailored to address specific needs, you can now choose the perfect fit for your organization, unlocking unparalleled efficiency and productivity.

Field Services Managed Calibration Active Exchange Assets on Demand Fulfillment Store
North America X X X
Europe, Middle East and Africa X X X
India X X X
Greater China
ASEAN and Australia
Japan X X
Korea X X




Tektronix 儀器管理服務包括數個選項,讓您的團隊維持生產力,並可讓您專心投入核心職能,不需分心管理設備。

  • 資產交換服務
  • 完整的資產週期管理
  • 採購解決方案
  • 專業服務


  • 需要花費多少時間來維修設備?
  • 維修設備會造成多少令人苦惱的停機時間?
  • 您的組織如何管理在不同地區的設備借用?
  • 需要多少廠商來維修設備?
  • 如何減少沒有效率的結構,讓組織成員能專心在工作上?






  • 提前更換員工的工具
  • 設備由 Tektronix 儲存和維護


Tek Delivery Box



Tektronix 讓您免除管理設備的痛苦,您可以專注於管理員工。簡化發佈新設備的流程,向員工發送備用機或更換設備,以及從服務中撤回設備。

  • Tek 用於部署和整合的設備
  • 提供採購、庫存控制和資產處置服務


managed services



Tektronix 可以管理您的供應和訂購流程。不必擔心需申請團隊完成工作所需的基本供應。您的員工可以隨時隨地提出申請。Tek 會根據您自訂的核准流程完成申請,並直接運送給您的團隊。


  • Tek 可儲存所有供應
  • Tek 可管理申請和物流


managed services


Tektronix 提供各種專業服務,協助您完整最佳化設備。我們經驗豐富的從業人員可提供諮詢、專案管理和資產庫存標準化服務。 

  • 校驗間隔分析
  • 設備週期成本分析
  • 採購決策支援
  • CalWeb 自訂和系統整合,以達成您的特定需求
  • 資產利用最佳化
  • 資料標準化及上傳
  • 自訂資產追蹤
managed services