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與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)





: Can the optional AFG in the MDO3000, MDO4000C and 5 Series MSO be set to sweep?


: Can the optional AFG in the MDO3000, MDO4000C and 5 Series MSO be set to sweep?


AFG in MDO3000, MDO4000C, and 5 Series MSO do not have sweep function. But a limited sweep may be created using the arbitrary function.


Example: Create a sweep from 100 KHz to 250 KHz.

ArbExpress (free software on Tek.com) select Equation Editor and make the following settings. Select model MDO3014 at the top of Window. Next Open (small yellow folder at top) to open file Linear_Sweep.eqa Make the following changes.

  1. Change Range to look like this range(0, 5ms)

  2. Change k0 to 5e-3 (Sets Sweep time in equation to 5 mS)

  3. Change k1 to 1e5 (Sets start frequency)

  4. Change k2 to 2.50e5 (Sets stop frequency)

  5. Set Number of Points to 130 K (Sets number of points in waveform record)

  6. Set S/s to 26 M (Sets a sample rate for calculation of sample rate and number of points such 5 ms is reached)

  1. Compile. If you want to save the equation for later use save function. Suggest saving to a new name so you have the starting equation file.

Now press Ok and save waveform for loading into scope AFG. Select File / Save As and enter name. (It should be but Make sure Save as Type is set to Scope AFG CSV)


產品系列: 5 系列 B MSO MDO3000 MDO4000


常見問答集 ID 474056

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